About Us

Dear valuated customer,

YOU are the center of all our activities. Your wishes, demands and requirements are our day to day driven force to meet evolving challenges. Therefore, customer service is our number one priority. It affects our business policy and is a permanent task for every member of the CUSPIDOO team.

Since 2000, CUSPIDOO has successfully distributed high quality products and we are commited to continue with our high standards ahead in future. In order to do so, we are preparing ourselves today for the demands of the future.

This means a permanent optimization of standards, innovation in products, introduction of modern processes and motivation of people and satisfaction of customers.

Close relationship and cooperation with our customers, surgeons, and scientists worldwide guarantees that our product range is permanently updated, expanded and on the horizon of technical developments.

All Instruments and devices are manufactured and checked by trained and experienced professionals, using state of the art machines and technologies. Only materials that meet the general requirements for medical devices and our own high level specifications are used. Our quality management system is a very important part of our long term business plan. Every employee of CUSPIDOO is incorporated into this commitment.The feeling of “TEAM” as CUSPIDOO holds them responsible for the quality, no matter what their function is.

Permanent product and system audits guarantee a continuously high level quality standard and are the basis for our further growth and development.

Our customer oriented inventory system, the reduction of lead times are permanently subject to restructuring and improving. We do this in order to be able to react in a flexible and timely manner to the demands of our customers. The shipments will reach their destinations in a timely manner worldwide. Special items, etchings or additional labeling is part of our flexibility, upon request.

Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to serve you.


Dr Umsan Aslam

Chief Executive Officer